====== New Station Plan ====== Notes on proposed re-organisation of the radios and antennas. ===== Antennas / Tuners ===== ==== Centre-fed ==== * Relocated the Ranger tuner to under the balcony; * Couple ladder-line to the tuner using the existing balun (replace PL259 with ring terminals); * Replace coax feeder with single piece of RG213; * Provide power connection for tuner; * Improve earth connection for tuner (possibly not necessary given its feeding a balanced antenna); * Connect antenna to Antenna Socket 1 on IC-7400. ==== 20m Dipole ==== * Replace coax feeder (RG213 from radio to outside, RG400 in air up to antenna); * Connect antenna to Antenna Socket 2 on IC-7400. ==== End-fed ==== * Replace Ranger tuner with ugly balun (RG400 looped through ferrite ring); * Connect shield side of balun to roof; * Replace coax feeder with single piece of RG213 (kept as short as possible); * Connect antenna to LDG AT-7000 automatic tuner; * Connect tuner to IC-718. ==== ====